How many articles should I write to get AdSense Approval for blogger

Minimum number of posts or articles to get Google AdSense approval | How many posts are required for a website or blog to be approved by Google AdSense | How to fix Google AdSense policy violations Valuable Inventory : No Content

Minimum Number of Posts for Google AdSense Approval?

One of the questions beginners and new users in blogging would ask is about the number of posts, including

  • How Many articles should I write to get Google AdSense approval?
  • How many posts are required to get approved by Google AdSense?
  • What is the minimum requirements on number of posts or articles in a website for Google AdSense approval? 

As a person who already got 4 Google AdSense approval before on 4 different website and blogs before, I can assure you there is no exact minimum number of posts to write and publish on your website to get AdSense approval.

Google AdSense doesn't even mention about anything related to "minimum requirement on number of posts", but look carefully on what Google AdSense is really emphasize on, QUALITY, quality of you content. 

But this article is not going to talk about how to improve your content's quality or how to write good quality content. I will show you the real minimum number of posts or article in a website to be eligible for Google AdSense approval.

My experience on getting Google AdSense approval

For those who doesn't know me, let me introduce myself here. I'm a content writer with 4 Google AdSense-approved websites, they are all setup on Blogger platform without any custom domain and you may find them in following links:

1st Blog Jaxx's Blog

2nd Blog Jaxx Invest

3rd Blog Foolly Foodie

4th Blog WindyClover

My first 2 blogs are mainly focus on Finance and Stock Trading topic. One is written in English while the other is written in Chinese (Mandarin).

Minimum Number of Posts Required to get Google AdSense approval

My 3rd and 4th blog, which is this blog you are reading right now, are my experimental projects to get Google AdSense approval.

Jaxx Invest and Foolly Foodie took me less than ONE Month to get Google AdSense approval from their creation. While Windy Clover took me TWO Months due to some indexing issue and 5XX serer error on most blogs in blogger platform between this June and August.

Minimum Number of Posts Required to get Google AdSense approval

Yup, you heard it right, ONE MONTH only from their creation, not counting from submitting AdSense application to review my website, but from their creation.

You may find out how I managed to get Google AdSense approval on newly-created website with less than 20 posts within a month in following video. 

Do you know it is harder for finance/money topic blog is hard to get AdSense approval, but I still did it quickly.  

I will list down the number of posts to get Google AdSense approval on each blog.

Number of Posts to get AdSense approval

In 2019, I started to write some posts on my first blog, Jaxx's Blog with over dozens of technical analysis on different stocks and indexes in my country. I also wrote my personal experience on passing my first actuarial exam of Society of Actuaries, SOA Exam Probability with 6 posts in the same year.

However, I tried to apply for Google AdSense approval for Jaxx's Blog but Google AdSense kept rejecting my AdSense review application again and again. 

Then, I quitted writing this blog 3 months later and I really forgot about its existence in whole 2020 when COVID-19 pandemic outbreak happens. 

How many posts are required to get approved by Google AdSense

On February 2021, I remembered I got this blog and I tried to share my knowledge about Initial Public Offering (IPO) Application in Malaysia with over 5 to 6 posts published in between February and March. The total posts I wrote and published on Jaxx's Blog were 14 before this website got its Google AdSense approval.

This story is quite complicated and I will share it in details with another post, but I have a total of 42 Posts at the moment Google AdSense approved my website. As what I have mentioned above, 14 posts were published in 2021 with 28 posts were published in 2019.

How many posts are required to get approved by Google AdSense

It is hard to estimate the minimum number of posts here with my first blog. I was also wonder about this too at that time. So, as a practical style person, I created another blog right after my first website got its Google AdSense approval in late-March of 2021 to determine the minimum number of posts required to get Google AdSense approval.

And that blog is Jaxx Invest.

Jaxx Invest's Google AdSense approval

Reminder : If you miss the video above, make sure you watch it completely and carefully as I explained the whole Google AdSense approval process on my 2nd blog, Jaxx Invest, within a month from its creation.

Since I have quite many posts on Jaxx's Blog and they were approved by Google AdSense before, so one idea came into my mind.

I was wonder, maybe I can translate and publish these posts in English on a new blog. 

With that intention in my mind, I translated and published 5 main posts about IPO application in my new blog. These posts were long textual content with over 1000 words per post and few images between paragraphs.

After these 5 posts were indexed by Google Search Console, I used my AdSense account (with AdSense-approved Jaxx's Blog within it) to apply for Google AdSense review on my website. 

Few days later, I got a reply from Google AdSense and it showed that my website's review application was failed and there were some issues I needed to fix before I submit another AdSense application to them again. There were 2 issues, Valuable Inventory : No Content and Valuable Inventory : Under Construction.

Watch : How to solve Valuable Inventory : No Content

With only 5 posts published and indexed, my blog was rejected by Google AdSense with No Content and Under Construction issue. So 5 posts long-textual high quality content are not enough for a website to get Google AdSense approval.

How many posts are required to get approved by Google AdSense

In order to fix No Content issue, I published another 8 to 9 posts about my actuarial exams I took in late-2019 and late-2020 that I had translated before Google AdSense rejected my website. These posts were submitted to Google Search Console for indexing, and they were appeared in Google Search results after few days

Read also : How to let Google Search Console index your posts faster

Why don't I published them once I finish my translation? Well, do you remember what I have said on the beginning of this post, To determine the minimum number of posts required to get Google AdSense approval , so it was much better If I published these posts after reply was given by Google AdSense. 

After I submitted another review application to Google AdSense, I just published another 2 to 3 posts on my new blog irregular. The total number of posts at that time was 16 posts.

Google AdSense provided another reply few days later and there was some improvement compare to previous application. No content issue was fixed but Under Construction issue remained.

Therefore, a website or blog with 16 posts can be considered as eligible to apply for Google AdSense. It seems like 16 posts is the minimum posts required to get approved by Google AdSense. But with only one sample size, we can't conclude that 16 posts is enough to get Google AdSense approval.

How many posts are required to get approved by Google AdSense

Jaxx Invest finally got the AdSense approval on 21st April with 19 published and indexed posts, most of them were long textual content.

My experience with my 2nd Google AdSense approval is that a range of 15 to 20 posts is my estimation on the minimum number of posts required for a website or blog to get Google AdSense approval.

Other Google AdSense Approval Experience

Foolly Foodie, my 3rd blog website established on blogger platform, was approved by Google AdSense on 12th July 2021 and I was managed to monetized it few hours later after I received reply from Google AdSense that notify me about the approval. 

How many posts are required to get approved by Google AdSense

While WindyClover (The blog you are reading right now) was approved by Google AdSense on 2nd September 2021.

Both blogs/website has 17 posts and 20 posts respectively. Therefore, they strengthen my assumption on the minimum requirements on the number of posts required for a website to get Google AdSense approval.


My conclusion here is, you should write at least 15 to 20 posts in order to let a blog or website be eligible to Google AdSense approval. And 15 to 20 posts are the minimum number of posts you should published for those who haven't apply for Google AdSense before.

Minimum Number of Posts Required to get Google AdSense approval

However, publishing more content and posts doesn't mean that your website is providing good quality content. Instead of focusing on the minimum number of posts to get Google AdSense approval, you should try to study on how to improve content quality and website navigation.

No matter how many posts or articles do you have on your website, whether 100 posts or 1000 posts, it will be hard for your website to be eligible for Google AdSense approval if you provide irrelevant, untruth and biased low-value content on your website.  

Minimum Number of Posts Required to get Google AdSense approval

For example, with tremendous amount of low quality content on your website is like a cup of black ink, no matter how you add high quality content (white ink) the color remains black, unless you remove all black ink and replace with white ink instead.

Recommendations to get Google AdSense approval

  • Publish at least 15 to 20 posts on your website 
  • Make sure these posts were indexed by Google Search Console (e.g check with
  • Only write high quality TEXTUAL content that is informative, original and well organized.
  • Quality is much important than Quantity. 

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